Did you see Sue in the office today? — yes. I witnessed her (typing) a report as I entered. 2. Did you walk past the

Did you see Sue in the office today? — yes. I witnessed her (typing) a report as I entered. 2. Did you walk past the lake yesterday? — yes, I did. I paused for a moment to observe some children (feeding) the ducks. 3. Isnt Marie skilled at playing the piano? — yes, I listened to her (performing) in a concert last week. She was amazing. 4. Is Paul at home? – no, he isnt. I observed him (leaving) for work as I passed by. 5. How do you know that Steve took the letter? — I observed him (putting) it in his briefcase. 6.

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you know Sarah? — I don’t personally know her, but I saw her (perform) in a school play last month. She was fantastic!
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