1. Use a verb from the box to complete the sentences in 1grammar imperatives. Choose either a horizontal or vertical

1. Use a verb from the box to complete the sentences in 1grammar imperatives. Choose either a horizontal or vertical imperative.
2. Write a sentence using a verb from the box. I am angry, I am hot, and I am tired.

Подтвержденное решение:

1. To complete the sentences using a verb from the box, we need to first identify the verbs in the box. Since the box is not provided in the question, I will assume that the verbs in the box are: «run,» «eat,» «sleep,» «study,» «listen,» and «play.»

To form 1grammer imperatives, we use the base form (infinitive) of the verb without any subject pronouns. Imperatives are used to give commands, instructions, or make requests. Here are some examples of completing the sentences with imperatives:

a) (Horizontal imperative) — «Run to the park and back.»
b) (Vertical imperative) — «Eat your vegetables before dessert.»
c) (Horizontal imperative) — «Sleep early and wake up refreshed.»
d) (Vertical imperative) — «Study for your exams and do your best.»
e) (Horizontal imperative) — «Listen carefully to what the teacher is saying.»
f) (Vertical imperative) — «Play outside and have fun with your friends.»

2. To write a sentence using a verb from the box and incorporating the given emotions, we can choose any verb from the box that makes sense in the given context. Let’s choose the verb «rest» from the box.

a) «I am angry, I am hot, and I am tired, so I need to rest.» — This sentence shows that the person is experiencing anger, heat, and tiredness, and the solution to relieve these emotions is to rest.

It’s important to note that there are multiple ways to complete the sentences and write a sentence using a verb from the box. The key is to choose a verb that fits the context and makes the sentence grammatically correct.

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