1) Imana hadnt learned English before she arrived in Britain. 2) DariusH had prepared well before taking the test. 3

1) Imana hadnt learned English before she arrived in Britain.
2) DariusH had prepared well before taking the test.
3) The war in Imanas country was still ongoing when she left the refugee camp.
4) Darush has been working here for three years, so she didnt have any problems with the test.

2) Have you already studied the English language before you came to…?

Пошаговый ответ:

1) Imana had not learned English before she arrived in Britain.
— This means that before Imana came to Britain, she did not have any knowledge or experience in learning the English language. It implies that she did not know how to speak, read, or write in English.

2) Darius had prepared well before taking the test.
— This suggests that Darius had made the necessary efforts to get ready for the test. He likely studied, practiced, or gathered the necessary information and skills required to perform well on the test.

3) The war in Imana’s country was still ongoing when she left the refugee camp.
— This means that at the time Imana left the refugee camp, the war in her country was still happening. «Ongoing» indicates that the war was not finished and that there were still conflicts or battles taking place. This information adds context to Imana’s situation as a refugee.

4) Darush has been working here for three years, so she didn’t have any problems with the test.
— This suggests that Darush has been working in a particular place for three years. Based on this experience, it is implied that the work she has been doing has helped her acquire the knowledge or skills necessary for the test. The statement «she didn’t have any problems with the test» indicates that she was able to successfully complete the test without difficulty.

2) Have you already studied the English language before you came to…?
— This question asks if the person being addressed has already learned or taken lessons in the English language before coming to a specific place (the name of the place is missing from the given sentence). The question is inquiring about their previous experience or knowledge of the English language. It implies that the person is now in a new location or country where English may be spoken or required to communicate effectively.

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