1 Do not worry, everything is ready. 2 It is not recommended for you to enter after the bell goes. 3 Should I contact

1 Do not worry, everything is ready.
2 It is not recommended for you to enter after the bell goes.
3 Should I contact them? — No, it is not necessary.
4 Etiquette required them all to shake hands.
5 Roger entered and Mr. Smith had to stand up to shake hands.

Подробный ответ:

1. «Do not worry, everything is ready.»
This sentence is reassuring someone that there is no need to worry because everything has been prepared or organized. The phrase «do not worry» is a command, telling the listener not to feel anxious or concerned. The word «everything» indicates that all necessary tasks or preparations have been completed or taken care of.

2. «It is not recommended for you to enter after the bell goes.»
In this sentence, «it» refers to a specific situation or context that is not specified in the given information. The phrase «not recommended» means that it is advised or suggested against doing something. In this case, it suggests that entering after the bell rings is not advised or encouraged. The phrase «after the bell goes» refers to a specific point in time, indicating that the person should not enter the location or area after a certain sound or signal (the bell) is heard.

3. «Should I contact them? — No, it is not necessary.»
The first sentence is a question asking for guidance or advice on whether or not to get in touch with someone. The response «No, it is not necessary» indicates that there is no requirement or obligation to contact them. This implies that there is currently no urgent need to communicate with the mentioned individuals.

4. «Etiquette required them all to shake hands.»
This sentence describes a certain behavior or action that is expected or considered polite in a particular social or cultural context. The term «etiquette» refers to the customary code of polite behavior in society. In this case, it stipulates that all individuals involved should shake hands as a gesture of greeting or acknowledgement. The word «required» indicates that it is obligatory or expected for them to perform this action.

5. «Roger entered and Mr. Smith had to stand up to shake hands.»
This sentence describes a specific sequence of events. «Roger entered» implies that a person named Roger has arrived or come into a certain place. «Mr. Smith» is another individual present in that location. The phrase «had to stand up» suggests that Mr. Smith felt obligated or compelled to rise from his seated position out of politeness or respect. This was because it was expected or customary for him to shake hands with Roger as a sign of greeting or acknowledgement.

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